
Global Site for IWRM: Integrated Water Resources Management

The Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) of the Coachella Valley was a complicated process. A single water user would have a hard time jumping in and making sense of it all. There are resources for Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) to use, but most people would require advocates or a third party to interpret all of the "IRWMPese".  How can this process be simplified to truly advocate with the DACs? The IRWMP process offered me a glimpse of the vast landscape we created for our unique drinking water delivery system and wastewater management system in California. The website for the Coachella Valley IRWMP says it all . There are a huge amount of drafts, presentations, participant lists, budgets and maps. Keep in mind that this is for only the Coachella Valley region ( about 5 water districts). My experience with the IRWMP was summarized in a  report on their website:  That report is referred to as an appendix and is on  page 127 of that appendix PDF .  Our rep


3D printed glasses from  thing 22128 . I modded them to say "Career Services"