Contact Details:

LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY | School of Public Health
Environmental Microbiology Research Laboratory
Office: 24951 N. Circle Drive, Suite 2104, Nichol Hall. Loma Linda, CA 92350
Laboratory: 24785 Stewart St., Suite B2E Evans Hall, Loma Linda, CA 92350
Receiving: 24941 Stewart St., Loma Linda, CA 92350
(909) 558-4000 x47128 & x85633·  Email:·  

Postdoc           National ResearchCouncil: Environmental Microbiology, 04/2008
PhD                 Tulane University Environmental HealthSciences: Water Quality, 12/2006
MPH               Loma Linda University Public Health: International Health, 05/1999
BS/BA            Brigham Young University Zoology and Anthropology, 04/1997

Dr. Ryan G. Sinclair is an Associate Professor of Environmental Microbiology in the Loma Linda University School of Public Health and Assistant Professor in the department of Earth and Biological Sciences. He completed his PhD on water quality from Tulane University and has a post doc in Environmental Microbiology from the University of Arizona. He was recently awarded the 2021 SCAQMD Dr. Robert M. Zweig clean air award.

09/2009 – present        Loma Linda University School of Public Health; Associate Professor
A full time position in the School of Public Health at Loma Linda University. Committees: Faculty for Graduate Studies (2015-present), University Faculty Council (2018-present), Admissions (2010-15), Faculty workforce and development (2015) and Center for Health Research (2014-2015).  Link to our Faculty Handbook

05/2008 – 09/ 2009       University of Arizona (UA); Assistant Research Scientist.
Designed and directed a laboratory for research on real-time water security sensor networks. Topics included environmental microbiology investigations of pathogen survival on fomites. Conducted a microbial risk assessment of land-applied biosolids. Continued previous research with the Center for the Advancement of Microbial Risk Assessment (CAMRA).

03/2007 – 04/2008        National Research Council Research Associate Program (NRC-RAP).
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the UA; Research Associate. Initiated projects with the USEPA/DHS funded CAMRA project. Topics included: drinking water disinfection, microbial surrogate evaluation, environmental survival of category A agents, health risk assessment, bio-security, water distribution system vulnerability assessments, the transport and fate of microbes in water distribution systems, and biosensor optimization. Lectured in environmental science classes.

1. Hung, C., C. Diamond, R. Sinclair, M. Lee, M. Stenstrom, M.A. Freilich, Q. Montgomery, C. Marquez, and T. W. Lyons. “Nutrient Loading as a Key Cause of Short- and Long-Term Anthropogenic Ecological Degradation of the Salton Sea.” Scientific Reports 14, no. 1 (December 28, 2024): 31247.

2. Sinclair, R. G., J. Gaio, S. D. Huazano, S.A. Wiafe, and W.C. Porter. “A Balloon Mapping Approach to Forecast Increases in PM10 from the Shrinking Shoreline of the Salton Sea.” Geographies 4, no. 4 (December 2024): 630–40.

3. Obiakor, G. C.*, J. Banta, R. G. Sinclair, M. Baba Djara, R. Mataya, S. Wiafe. (2024). The Impact of Social Determinants of Maternal Mental Health in Marginalized Mothers. Journal of Women’s Health.

4. Mosher, J.R.*, Jim E. Banta, Rhonda Spencer-Hwang, Colleen C. Naughton, Krystin F. Kadonsky, Thomas Hile, and Ryan G. Sinclair. “An Environmental Equity Assessment Using a Social Vulnerability Index during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic for Siting of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology Locations in the United States.” Geographies 4, no. 1 (March 2024): 141–51.

5. Centeno, D.*, I. Arzeno-Soltero, A. Delgado, M. A. Freilich, C. Marquez, Q. Montgomery, A. Palomino, G. Penalber, R. Sinclair, and J. Taboada. “Salton Sea Environmental Work and the Importance of Community Science.” Oceanography 36, no. 4 (2023).

6. Hile, T.D.*, S. G. Dunbar, and R. G. Sinclair. “Microbial Contamination Analysis of Drinking Water from Bulk Dispensers and Fast-Food Restaurants in the Eastern Coachella Valley, California.” Water Supply, August 10, 2023, ws2023200.    

7. Spencer, R., R. Sinclair, J. Hwang, and S. Montgomery. “‘I Want to Be Screened Just like the Pirates!’: The Power of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Theatre to Aid Research Participation.” Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement 16, no. 1 (June 29, 2023).   

8. Niesen, S.*, D. Ramon, R. Spencer-Hwang, and R. Sinclair. “The Relationship Between Face Mask Use and Face-Touching Frequency in Public Areas: Naturalistic Study.” Interactive Journal of Medical Research 12, no. 1 (May 29, 2023): e43308.

9. Naughton, C., F.A. Roman, A. Alvarado, A. Tariqi, M. A. Deeming, K. Bibby, A. Bivins, R. Sinclair et al. “Show Us the Data: Global COVID-19 Wastewater Monitoring Efforts, Equity, and Gaps.” FEMS Microbes, January 12, 2023, xtad003.

10. Spencer, R., R. Sinclair, J. Hwang, and S. Montgomery. “Adverse Health Outcomes in Early Childhood (Birth-5 years) and Ambient Air Pollutant Exposures: A Systematic Review.” Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health. 

11. Hile, T.*, S. Dunbar, N. Garcia, and R. Sinclair. “Assessment of Tap Water Quality in Mobile Homes in the Eastern Coachella Valley, California.” PLOS Water 1, no. 9 (September 12, 2022): e0000037.

12. Medina, C., K. Kadonsky, F. Roman, A. Tariqi, R. Sinclair, P D’Aoust, R. Delatolla, H. Bischel, and C. Naughton. “The Need of an Environmental Justice Approach for Wastewater Based Epidemiology for Rural and Disadvantaged Communities: A Review in California.” Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 27 (June 1, 2022): 100348.

13. Bivins, A., D. Kaya, W. Ahmed, J. Brown, C. Butler, J. Greaves, R. Leal*, R. Sinclair et al. “Passive Sampling to Scale Wastewater Surveillance of Infectious Disease: Lessons Learned from COVID-19.” The Science of the Total Environment 835 (April 20, 2022): 155347.

14. Mattos, K.J., R. Mulhern, C.C. Naughton, C. Anthonj, J. Brown, C. Brocklehurst, C. Brooks, R. Sinclair et al. “Reaching Those Left behind: Knowledge Gaps, Challenges, and Approaches to Achieving SDG 6 in High-Income Countries.” Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, no. washdev2021057 (July 28, 2021).

15. Hile, T.D.,* S.G. Dunbar, and R.G. Sinclair. “Microbial Contamination of Drinking Water from Vending Machines of Eastern Coachella Valley.” Water Supply, December 2020.

16. Sinclair, R.G., K.Somsamouth, D. Sahar*, R. Englert*, and P. Singh. “Microbial Contamination in the Communal-Use Lao Tobacco Waterpipe.” International Health. November, 2020.

17. Watu, B.*, C. Tran*, E. Choi*, A. Drew*, U. Oyoyo, R. Sinclair, C. Perry, and S. Kwon. “Surface Roughness of 3D Printed Discs Infused with Gold-Coated Titanium Oxide Nanofibers” October, 2020.  Journal of the California Dental Association. 

18. Malika, N.M.*, G. Barbagelatta, M. Penny, K. A. Reynolds, and R. Sinclair. 2020. “Impact of Housing and Infrastructure on Handwashing in Peru.” International Health.

19. Canales, R.A., A.Wilson*, R.G. Sinclair, M.Soto‐Beltran, J. Pearce‐Walker, M. Molina, and K. Reynolds. 2019. “Microbial Study of Household Hygiene Conditions and Associated Listeria Monocytogenes Infection Risks for Peruvian Women.” Tropical Medicine & International Health. 

20. Spencer-Hwang, R.M., M. Pasco-Rubio*, S. Soret, M. Ghamsary, R. Sinclair, N. Alhusseini, and S. Montgomery. 2019. “Association of Major California Freight Railyards with Asthma-Related Pediatric Emergency Department Hospital Visits.” Preventive Medicine Reports 13: 73–79.

21. Reis, H.*, C. Reis, A.Sharip, W. Reis*, Y. Zhao, R.Sinclair and L.Beeson. 2018. “Diesel Exhaust Exposure, Its Multi-System Effects, and the Effect of New Technology Diesel Exhaust.” Environment International 114: 252–65.

22. Sinclair, R., C. Russell*, G. Kray*, and S. Vesper. 2018. “Asthma Risk Associated with Indoor Mold Contamination in Hispanic Communities in Eastern Coachella Valley, California.” Journal of Environmental and Public Health.

23. Sinclair, R, A. Feliz, J. Patel*, L. Fahnestock* and C. Perry. 2018 “The Spread of a Norovirus Surrogate Via Reusable Grocery Bags in a Grocery Supermarket.” Journal of Environmental Health 80, (10): 8.

24. Sinclair R.G., C.P. Gerba, L.Y. Sifuentes, M.Tsai* and S. Abd-Elmaksoud. 2016. “Efficacy of Treatment of Reusable Grocery Bags with Antimicrobial Silver to Reduce Enteric Bacteria” Food Protection Trends 36 (6): 458-464.

25. Hilton, T.*, S. Montgomery, P. Herring, T. Gamboa-Maldonado, R. Sinclair and B. McLaughlin. 2015. "Perceived Attitudes and Staff Roles of Disaster Management at CBOCs." Federal Practitioner 32(8).

26. Martin, R.*, S.D. Safaee*, K. Somsamouth, B. Mounivong, R. Sinclair, S. Bansal, and P.N. Singh. 2013. “Mixed Methods Pilot Study of Sharing Behaviors among Waterpipe Smokers of Rural Lao PDR: Implications for Infectious Disease Transmission.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10 (6): 2120–32.

27. Gamboa-Maldonado*, T., H. Hopp Marshak, R. Sinclair, D. Dyjack, and S. Montgomery. 2012. “Building Capacity for Community Disaster Preparedness: A Call for Collaboration Between Public Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness and Response Programs.” Journal of Environmental Health 75 (2).

28. Sinclair, R.G., J.B. Rose, S.A. Hashsham, C.P. Gerba, and C.N. Haas. 2012. “A Criteria for Selection of Surrogates Used to Study the Fate and Control of Pathogens in the Environment.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, January.

29. Lopez, J.R.*, K. Somsamouth, B. Mounivong, R. Sinclair, and P. Singh. 2012. “Carbon Monoxide Levels in Water Pipe Smokers in Rural Laos PDR.” Tobacco Control 21 (5): 517–18.

30. Sinclair, R.G., and C.P. Gerba. 2011. “Microbial Contamination in Kitchens and Bathrooms of Rural Cambodian Village Households.” Letters in Applied Microbiology 52: 144–49.

31. Miles, S.L., R. Sinclair, M.R. Riley, and I.L. Pepper. 2011. “Evaluation of Select Sensors for Real-Time Monitoring of Escherichia Coli in Water Distribution Systems.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77 (8): 2813–16.

32. Williams, D.L., C.P. Gerba, S. Maxwell, and R.G. Sinclair. 2011. “Assessment of the Potential for Cross-Contamination of Food Products by Reusable Shopping Bags.” Food Protection Trends 31 (8): 508–13.

33. Pepper, I.L., J.P. Brooks, R. Sinclair, P.L. Gurian, and C.P. Gerba. 2010. “Pathogens and Indicators in United States Class B Biosolids: National and Historic Distributions.” Journal of Environment Quality 39 (6): 2185.

34. Sinclair, R.G. 2010. “Wastewater Irrigation and Health: Assessing and Mitigating Risk in Low-Income Countries.” International Journal of Water Resources Development 26 (4): 704–9.

35. Riley, M.R., S.L. Miles, R. Sinclair, and I.L. Pepper. 2010. “Real Time Monitoring for Pathogens in Water.” In Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010, 303–8. Tucson: American Society of Civil Engineers. 

36. Sinclair, R.G., P. Romero-Gomez, C.Y. Choi, and C.P. Gerba. 2009. “Assessment of MS-2 Phage and Salt Tracers to Characterize Axial Dispersion in Water Distribution Systems.” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 44 (10): 963–71.

37. Yoon, J.Y., J.H. Han, C.Y. Choi, M. Bui*, R.G. Sinclair, and others. 2009. “Real-Time Detection of Escherichia Coli in Water Pipe Using a Microfluidic Device with One-Step Latex Immunoagglutination Assay.” Transactions of the ASABE 52 (3): 1031–39.

38. Sinclair, R.G., E.L. Jones, and C.P. Gerba. 2009. “Viruses in Recreational Water-Borne Disease Outbreaks: A Review.” Journal of Applied Microbiology 107, (6): 1769–80.

39. Sinclair, R., S. Boone, D. Greenberg, P. Keim, and C.P. Gerba. 2008. “Persistence of Category A Select Agents in the Environment.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74.

40. Sinclair, R.G., C.Y. Choi, M.R. Riley, and C.P. Gerba. 2008. “Chapter 9 Pathogen Surveillance Through Monitoring of Sewer Systems.” Advances in Applied Microbiology Volume 65: 249–69.

41. Yel, D., G.K. Hallen, R.G. Sinclair, K. Mom, and C.T. Srey. 2005. “Biochemical Validation of Self Reported Quit Rates among Buddhist Monks in Cambodia.” Tobacco Control 14: 359–359.

42. Jeng, H.C., R. Sinclair, R. Daniels, and A.J. Englande. 2005. “Survival of Enterococci Faecalis in Estuarine Sediments.” International Journal of Environmental Studies 62: 283–91.

Sinclair, R. Point of use water treatment options in rural Cambodia households. An analysis of the effectiveness of solar water disinfection in Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province, Cambodia. Dissertation, Tulane, New Orleans, 2006. Committee members: A.J. Englande Ph.D. P.E.(chair), Assaf Abdelghani Sc.D., Paul Hutchinson Ph.D., Janet Rice Ph.D., and Robert Reimers Ph.D.

Description: This drinking water disinfection health intervention took place from 2004-2006 and evaluated the use of SODIS program for rural residents in Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province, Cambodia. The program studied SODIS as it relates with good hygiene and sanitation among rural households who normally drink water directly from rivers or wells without treatment. The project outcomes were adoption of the SODIS techniques among villagers and expansion of the project to three additional provinces under the direction of ADRA Cambodia.

Ryan G. Sinclair, Kristen Gunther, and Rhonda Spencer-Hwang. “Environmental Health Risk Assessment.” In The Praeger Handbook of Environmental Health, 1:281–304. Praeger Publications, 2012.

Riley, Mark R., Syreeta L. Miles, Ryan G. Sinclair, and Ian L. Pepper. “Real Time Monitoring for Pathogens in Water.” In Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010, 303–308. Tucson: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2010.

Sinclair, R., AJ Englande, R. Reimers, J. Rice, A. Abdelghani, and S. Samreth. “A Microbiological Investigation of a Point of Use Drinking Water Disinfection Technology: Solar Photo-Disinfection and Its Challenges in Cambodia.” In Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2007:334–359. Pittsburgh, PA, 2007.

Sinclair, Ryan, Celeste Cantu, Maria Kennedy, and Kristen Gunther. “The Public Health Risks from Inadequate Septic Tank Percolation in Low Income Areas of California.” In WEFTEC CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 2011.

Englande, A.J., Paul Lo, and Ryan G. Sinclair. 2007. “Water Quality and Public Health: Case Studies of Hurricane Katrina and the December 2004 Tsunami in Thailand.” In Cities of the Future : Towards Integrated Sustainable Water and Landscape Management : Proceedings of an International Workshop Held July 12-14, 2006 in Wingspread Conference Center, Racine, WI, 52. London: IWA Publishing.


1. Sinclair, Ryan. "Environmental Justice Issues at the Salton Sea." Invited seminar. Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, Caltech, Pasadena, CA, Nov. 2024.

2. Sinclair, Ryan, and D. Diya. “How Dr. Ryan Sinclair Studies Environmental Exposure alongside Community Scientists at Salton Sea.” Civic Science Media Lab, 3 Dec. 2024, Invited speaker to a CivicSci-Radio program.

3. Sinclair, Ryan. "Mitigating Exposure to Microbes in the Eastern Coachella Valley: An Exposure Science Approach to Advocate for Improved Drinking Water, Wastewater and other Infrastructure." Poster presentation. Desert Health Care District's 2024 Environmental Justice Summit, Palm Desert, CA, Sept. 2024.

4. Sinclair, Ryan. "A Modern Story of California's Salton Sea: Linking Environmental Data to Human Health." Invited keynote. Clinysis Customer Forum, Tempe, AZ, 8-11 Apr. 2024.

5. Sinclair, Ryan. “Everyday Exposures (Environmental Contaminants and Impacts to Public Health).” Presented at the Will Alexander Wholeness Series, 3 Apr. 2024,

6. Sinclair, Ryan, L. Wu, A. Cheney, and W. Porter. "Health Inequities from Environmental Pollution: Policy Successes, Failures and Looking to the Future." Panel discussion. National Science Policy Symposium, Riverside, CA, Apr. 2024.

7. Centeno, D.*, I. Arzeno-Soltero, M. Freilich, Q. Montgomery, R. Sinclair (remote), and J. Taboada. "Unveiling the Seasonality and Dynamics of Hydrogen Sulfide Outgassing and Gypsum Precipitation Events in the Salton Sea." Academic presentation. Ocean Science Meeting 2024, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 2024.

8. Sinclair, Ryan. "Arsenic Contamination in the Oasis Mobile Home Park as an Environmental Justice Issue." Invited seminar. Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, Caltech, Pasadena, CA. Nov. 2023. 

9. Leal, R., M. Lu, and R. Sinclair (remote). "A Nationwide Analysis of College and University Campus Wastewater-Based Epidemiology Practices in Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019." Academic presentation. 35th International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Sept. 2023.

10. Sinclair, Ryan. "Wastewater-Based Epidemiology at the Loma Linda University Health Campus and Opportunities for Expansion." Oral presentation. “LLUH Board Meeting”, LLU Hospital Board Room, May 2023. 

11. Marquez, C., A. Palomino, R. Sinclair, et al. "Community Science at the Salton Sea." Presentation at State Board Meeting. State of California's Annual Water Board Meeting, Imperial Valley College, May 2023.

12. Sinclair, Ryan. "Use of the Community Science Framework to Address Climate Change Challenges at the Salton Sea in the Eastern Coachella Valley." Invited seminar. “LLU SOM Basic Sciences Thursday Seminar”, May 2023. 

13. Leal, R., J. Valdez, J. Mosher, S. Davis, and R. Sinclair. "Lessons Learned: How a Wastewater Based Epidemiology Academic Initiative was Migrated to a County Public Health Laboratory to Allow a focus on Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Underserved Communities." Poster presentation. International Society for Exposure Science Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 26 Sept. 2022.

14. Sinclair, R. "Balloon Mapping Used to Map Shoreline Reduction and Forecast Air Quality Impacts to Nearby Communities." Salton Sea Community Webinars | Foros Comunitarios de la Laguna del Salton, hosted by UCR and included in Session 1on 15 June 2022. Webinar presentation.

15. Leal, R.*, R. Sinclair, D. Sumantri*, P. Cervantes*, and M. Pecolar*. "Developed and Validated: A Wastewater Based Epidemiology Sampling Method at Loma Linda University to Support the WBE Surveillance Tool for the COVID-19 Pandemic." 61st General Conference Session, St. Louis, MO, 6 June 2022. Poster and Video Presentation.

16. Sinclair, R. "A Community Science Approach to Measurement of Water Quality: The Salton Sea Environmental Time Series." Salton Sea Water Quality Webinar Series, Pacific Institute, 24 May 2022. Webinar.

17. Sinclair, R. "Balloon Mapping Used to Map Shoreline Reduction and Forecast Air Quality Impacts to Nearby Communities." Salton Sea Summit 2022, UCR Palm Desert Campus, 7 Apr. 2022. Oral presentation.

18. Sinclair, R. "Community Science at the Salton Sea." Community Science Webinar Series, Pacific Institute, 1 Mar. 2022. Webinar.

19. Sinclair, R. "Arsenic Contaminated Ground Water Prompts a Community to Buy Water from Poorly Maintained Drinking Water Vending Machines." Climate Adaptation Research Symposium, UCLA Virtual, 8 Sept. 2021. Oral presentation.

20. Sinclair, R. "A Community Science Mapping Activity Predicts an Increase in Particulate Matter from the Shoreline Playa at the Salton Sea of California." International Society for Exposure Science Annual Meeting, Virtual, 1 Sept. 2021. Presentation.

21. Sinclair, R. "A Community Science Approach to Visualize Climate Change in a Rapidly Drying Saline Lake." 6th International Symposium for Sustainable Development, 6 Aug. 2021. hosted by the Global Environmental Health LAB at the Northern Illinois University. Webinar.  

22. Sinclair, R., S. Carranza, D. Espinoza, and N. Escobedo Garcia. "Building the Backbone: Infrastructure and Community Resilience." 2021 Southern California's Inland Region Learning Visit, Neighborhood Funders Group, 28 July 2021. Discussion session.

23. Sinclair, R. "Water Quality of the Salton Sea and Community Science as a Tool to Work towards Solutions." Why Should all of California Care About the Salton Sea?, Sierra Club, 14 July 2021. Webinar.

24. Sinclair, R. "Arsenic Contaminated Ground Water Prompts a Community to Buy Water from Poorly Maintained Drinking Water Vending Machines." Climate Adaptation Research Symposium, UCLA Virtual, 8 Sept. 2021. Oral presentation.  

25. Sinclair, R. "A Community Science Approach to Forecast Increases in PM10 from the Shrinking Shoreline at the Salton Sea." 4th Annual BREATHE Spring Workshop, UC Riverside, 18 May 2021. Presentation.

26. Leal, R., S*. Cisneros*, P. NaseeryGonzales*, and R. Sinclair. "Searched and Found: A Wastewater Based Epidemiology Program at Loma Linda University as a Surveillance Method for the COVID-19 Pandemic." LLU Homecoming Science Presentation, Loma Linda University, 3 Mar. 2021. Poster presentation.

“Effective Recruitment and Engagement Strategies for the Use of COVID-19 Exposure Notification Applications in Disadvantaged Communities.” R. Sinclair, O. Rodriguez and J. Elizabeth. Oral Presentation presented at the Changing Exposure, Climate and Health: From Science to Policy, International Society of Exposure Science, September 21, 2020. 
“QMRA for Sanitation Policy in Fresno County’s General Plan.” Sinclair, R., Thomas H., Phoebe S., Rebecca Z., and Josileade G. Oral Presentation presented at the Science, policy and practice, UNC Water and Health Conference 2020, October 27, 2020.

“Wastewater Based Epidemiology Results from San Bernardino and Loma Linda.” R. Sinclair. Oral Presentation presented at the COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance Update 3, CWEA CASA Webinar, November 17, 2020..

“Infectious Teamwork: Interprofessional Panel Discussion on COVID-19: Part 2” R. Sinclair, E. Ngo, B. Sharp and D. Smith. A panel discussion by the LLU Center for Interprofessional Education given on May 29th, 2020. 

“Combining the HIA with QMRA to justify infrastructure improvement in rural areas of Fresno county, CA” R.Sinclair. An oral presentation given to the PEW Charitable Trusts Health Team on February 19, 2020.   

 "Microbial Contamination of Drinking Water from Vending Machines in the Eastern Coachella Valley." T. Hile, G. Anderson, A. Altamirano, J. Gaio, H. Alenizi, H. Alotaibi, and R. Sinclair. Poster presentation 22nd Basic Science Symposium for the School of Medicine. October 31, 2019.

"Microbial Contamination of Drinking Water from Vending Machines." T. Hile and R.Sinclair. An oral presentation given at the UNC Water & Health Conference in Chapel Hill, NC on October 7, 2019.

"Low Cost Air Quality Sensors and Air Quality Health Hazards in San Bernardino." R. Sinclair and J. Gaio. A presentation given to the Community Steering Committee of the SCAQMD's AB617 San Bernardino meeting in June of 2019 at San Bernardino Valley College.

"Homeless encampments and waterways: interdisciplinary potential for research and solutions" and Oral presentation at the 61st Annual Western Social Science Association (WSSA) Conference on April 24, 2019. J.Calderon, M. Chavez, M. Garcia, R. Sinclair, M. Verbyla, and M. Welsh.

"A microbial assessment of the Santa Monica Urban Recycled water Facility." R. Sinclair and R. Mutioso. Given at the 11th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse on July 28, 2017.

 “Creating places of health and wellbeing.” R.Sinclair, P. Newman and A. Le. A panel discussion on Environmental Justice held in the Bi-Annual Medical Narratives Conference at the University of California, Riverside on October 13, 2016. The conference title was “Signs and Symptoms: Medicine is Humanities.”

“An augmented reality sandbox virtual water presentation for high school and elementary school children.” R.Sinclair The flying doctors Mecca health fair. The presentation used a participatory method to educate children on the concept of watershed and drought in the Coachella Valley. The health fair took place at the Desert Mirage High School in Mecca, CA on October 1st, 2016.

 “How to use the Augmented Reality Sandbox to teach hydrology, topographical maps and water conservation.” R. Sinclair. This was included as a workshop in this summer’s interactive STEM series of the Loma Linda University’s EXSEED Summer Conference. Four workshops were held in June, 2016.

“Antibacterial inhibitory effect of size-controlled silver gold nanoparticles with Porphyronmonas Gingivalis W83.” C. Stewart, E. Stuffle, E. Walemba, W. Chen, D. Boskovic, R.Sinclair, C. Perry. A poster presented at the 16th annual Health Disparities Research Symposium organized by the Loma Linda University School of Medicine’s Center for Health Disparities and Molecular Medicine. August 3, 2016.

“Development of a low-cost air quality particulate sensor for use by Citizen Scientists.” L. Lay, T. Boskovic, C. Perry, R. Sinclair. A poster presented at the 16th annual Health Disparities Research Symposium organized by the Loma Linda University School of Medicine’s Center for Health Disparities and Molecular Medicine. August 3, 2016.

The antibacterial properties of sliver-gold bimetallic nanoparticles against multidrug-resistant pathogens. E. Stuffle, C. Stewart, M. Lu, E. Walemba, D. Boskovic, E, Vanterpool, R. Sinclair, C. Perry. A poster presented at the 16th annual Health Disparities Research Symposium organized by the Loma Linda University School of Medicine’s Center for Health Disparities and Molecular Medicine. August 3, 2016.

“An Augmented Reality Terrain Map for Health Needs Assessment Visualization.” R. Sinclair, M. Tsai and C. Tsui. Loma Linda University’s Faculty Development showcase titled “The Art and Science of Successful Learning.” Workshop held on February, 3 2016.

"Weather balloons and crowdsourcing: new citizen science approaches to participatory community mapping". Ryan G. Sinclair; Nicole Alleyne-Oliver, Diana Ibrahim, Ivan Biamont, Lea Urita, Rebecca Marsile, Jessica Camacho and Sammy Roth. Presented at the SCPHA 2014 Annual Conference titled "Place Matters: Healthography in Southern California." Conference held on November 7, 2014 at the Los Angeles office of the California Endowment.

"Arsenic contamination and other water quality concerns on tribal lands of Southern California." A field based training session given on the Pala and Pauma reservation headquarters near Temecula, California on August 21 and 28, 2014. R. Sinclair and M. Randhawa.

“The hidden mobile home parks of the Eastern Coachella Valley: Estimating population of a neglected community”. R. Sinclair. An oral presentation given at the 2014 Environmental Justice Summit held in May of 2014 in Mecca, CA.

“Partnering with the Adventist development and relief agency (ADRA) to access needs in northern Laotian villages.” (283358), and “Using a community participatory approach to assess health through a water, sanitation and hygiene sustainability project.” (288182). A. Desai, R. Sinclair, D. Rawson, T. Gamboa.  Two oral presentations given by A. Desai at the American Public Health Association annual conference in Boston, MA. November 2013.

The occurrence of Listeria in onsite wastewater failures from the Eastern Coachella Valley. R. Sinclair. An oral presentation and training given at the California Environmental Health Association (CEHA) Annual Update in Garden Grove, CA in October 2013.

Using community based methods to create a GIS database on wastewater failures in the Eastern Coachella Valley. R. Sinclair. An oral presentation given at the GIS monthly seminar in the LLU School of Public Health in October 2013.

Plenary Session: “Food Systems 101: Academic perspectives of food safety” and “Emerging pathogens and threats”. R. Sinclair. Two oral presentations given at the S3 Food Symposium in Riverside, CA in May, 2013.

Crowdsourcing Wastewater Failures: Promotoras and Youth Use Community Mapping to Advocate for Improved Wastewater Management. R. Sinclair. An oral presentation given at the Metropolitan Water District of Los Angeles, CA in May, 2013.

A Christian’s global stewardship and duty for sustainable water sanitation and hygiene. R. Sinclair. An oral presentation to the Loma Linda University School of Public Health annual faculty meeting in August, 2013 and at a LUU symposium titled Entrusted: Christians and Environmental Care in April 2013.

Disinfection Efficiency and User Compliance of SODIS in Cambodia (TS040) R. Sinclair. An oral presentation at the Water Environment Federation Technical Conference in New Orleans, LA. October 2012.

Household hygiene assessment in an urban, low-income community. R. Sinclair, K. Reynolds, J. Soto: A poster given at the American Society for Microbiology annual meeting in San Francisco, CA in June 2012.

The infection risks associated with Clothing and Household Linens. R. Sinclair, S. Bloomfield. Oral presentation at a press release and global presentation of a new product for Unilever international in Jakarta, Indonesia. June 2012.

Talking Trash: Does it matter where our garbage goes? KPCC radio interview with R. Sinclair and two other panelists: Crawford Family Forum: Panel speaker for Wednesday June 13, 2012 KPCC Studio in Los Angeles.

We flush our toilets with Drinking water; A microbiology perspective on wastewater re-use and public health risk assessment.” R. Sinclair. Oral presentation given for the LLU Preventive care grand rounds on February 9, 2012 in Loma Linda University, CA.

Tools used to identify inadequate onsite wastewater treatment in disadvantaged communities. R. Sinclair. Oral presentation given at the January 2012 Southwest On-site Wastewater Conference in Laughlin, Nevada.

Priority ranking and community assessment in the Eastern Coachella Valley. A series of three participatory workshops targeted towards community advocates and promotoras groups in Coachella, California. Organized and delivered by R. Sinclair. January, 2012.

Sinclair, R. Vivanco, S. Atencio, R. "Community Engagement Methods in Building Healthy Communities" A panel discussion and oral presentation given at Loma Linda University’s Health Communities by Design annual summit in November 2011.

The Public Health Risks From Inadequate Septic Tank Percolation in Low Income Areas of California. R. Sinclair, C. Cantu, M.E. Kennedy, K. Gunther. Oral presentation given at the October 2011 WEFTEC conference in Los Angeles, California. 

Household hygiene and Critical Control Point analysis for informal settlements in Lima, Peru. R. Sinclair, K. Reynolds. Presented on how to prevent pathogen contamination on bathroom and kitchen surfaces using disinfection with Clorox or other household cleaning products. Presented on September 5, 2011 at the KALLPA NGO headquarters in Lima, Peru. Presented to NGO staff and faculty from Boston University, the University of Arizona and staff from the Instituto de InvestigaciĂ³n Nutricional.

Water Quality. R. Sinclair. A course series on Environmental Health and Safety put on by the Loma Linda University Office of Public Health practice and the Native American Environmental Protection Coalition (NAEPC). The training was on water and wastewater and was held on August 31, 2011.

Environmental Health and Safety: The Key Elements. R. Sinclair, S. Soret, L. Beeson. An oral presentation and workshop given to the general public at an environmental health and justice summit at the Conference Center at Aspen in the Desert in Brawley, CA on in August 31, 2011.

Enchanted Heights case study: how to obtain funding for public wastewater projects. R. Sinclair, R. Shintaku. Presented at a conference entitled: Developing funding for disadvantaged community infrastructure projects. The conference was organized by The Cal State University at Fresno Water Resources and Policy Initiatives group. It was held at the Frontier Project in Rancho Cucamunga of California on June 28, 2011.

Health effects of Arsenic in drinking water. R. Sinclair, M. Randhawa. Organized by Loma Linda University School of Public Health Office of Public Health Practice. The lecture was presented on Feb 1, 2011 to health professionals of the Mecca, CA government health clinic. The following groups were involved: El Sol, Clinica de Salud and the ComitĂ© CĂ­vico Del Valle Inc.

Crowd Sourcing in the Eastern Coachella Valley: Inadequate Septic Tank Percolation in Low Income Areas of Riverside County, California. R. Sinclair. Oral presentation given at the November 2011 Healthy Communities by Design Summit at Loma Linda University and ESRI in Redlands, CA. 

Haiti 2010 Earthquake: Public Health Disaster Assessment and Response: January 22 – March 20, 2010. R. Sinclair. Oral presentation given at the California Environmental Health Association annual meeting in Riverside, CA on April 5, 2010. Additional oral presentation given at the Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response meeting held at the University of California, Riverside on March 30, 2010. Poster presentation given at the Southern California Public Health Association annual meeting on April 22, 2010 in Long Beach, CA.

A HRWM member’s response to Haiti 1/12/2010 earthquake. An article written for the Health Related Water Microbiology group newsletter. Issue 6 May 2010.  International Water Association.

Microbial Contamination in the kitchens and bathrooms of USA and Cambodian Households: the importance of handwashing. R. Sinclair, L. Uisetiawan, C. Gerba. Poster presentation at the Sanitation Options in the Asia Pacific conference held in Hanoi Vietnam during November, 2008.

Exposure Assessment. R. Sinclair and C. Gerba. Oral presentation and workshop convener for the American Society of Microbiology’s workshop entitled “Introduction of Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment”. The workshop was held on June 1, 2008 at the Arizona State University Campus in Mesa, AZ.  

Axial Dispersion of salt tracers and MS-2 phage in an experimental water distribution system. R. Sinclair, C. Choi, C. Gerba. Poster presentation at the May 2008 American Society for Microbiology annual meeting in Boston, MA. 

Dispersion of MS-2 in Water Distribution Systems. R. Sinclair, P. Romero, C. Choi, C. Gerba. Poster presentation at the April 2008 USEPA and DHS conference on real-world applications and solutions for microbial risk assessment.

Factors affecting the persistence of pathogens on fomites. R. Sinclair, C. Gerba. Oral presentation at the April 2008 USEPA and Department of Homeland Security conference on real-world applications and solutions for microbial risk assessment.

Dispersion of MS-2 in Water Distribution Systems. R. Sinclair, P. Romero, C. Choi, C. Gerba. Poster presentation at the April 2008 USEPA and DHS conference on real-world applications and solutions for microbial risk assessment.

Criteria for the selection of surrogates for studying the fate and transport of pathogens in the environment. R. Sinclair, D. Greeneberg, P. Keim, C. Gerba. Poster presentation at the April 2008 USEPA and DHS conference on real-world applications and solutions for microbial risk assessment.

C. Gerba, R. Sinclair. Criteria for microbial surrogates for assessing fate and transport of pathogens in the environment. Poster presentation at the 14th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology in Tokyo, Japan during September 2007.

“Tuk Sa’at” meaning Pure Water. A. Stickle, M. Schwisow, R. Sinclair. Finalist for World Bank Development Marketplace funding. Presented proposal and poster at the May 2007 Development Marketplace in Washington D.C.

Diarrhea disease reduction through solar water disinfection: prevalence studies and user compliance. R. Sinclair, A.J. Englande. Oral presentation at the November 2006 American Public Health Association 134th annual meeting.

Household drinking water disinfection and diarrhea disease in Cambodia. R. Sinclair, A.J. Englande. Presented at the December 2006 Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) 38th annual conference in Bangkok, Thailand.

Water quality and public health – Case studies of Hurricane Katrina and the December 2004 tsunami in Thailand. A.J. Englande, R. Sinclair, P. Lo. Presented at the Wingspread workshop: “Cities of the Future: Creating Blue Water in Green Cities”. July 13, 2006. International Water Association.

Comparisons of Hurricane Katrina and the December 2004 tsunami in Thailand. A.J. Englande, R. Sinclair. Presentation at the December 2006 APACPH annual conference in Bangkok, Thailand.

A microbiological risk assessment approach for drinking water technology verification: A presentation of the solar disinfection option in reference to epidemiology and microbiology studies.  R. Sinclair, A.J. Englande, G. Zornes, A. LaFraniere. Winner of a student poster competition at the December 2006 National Center for Environmental Health Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

A microbiology investigation of a point-of-use drinking water disinfection technology: Solar photo-disinfection and its challenges in Cambodia. R. Sinclair, A.J. Englande, R. Reimers, J. Rice, S. Samreth. Oral presentation at the February 2007 WEF disinfection conference in Pittsburg, PA.


Environmental Justice Wiki: 



Funding Agency

Award Amount


Consultant: Bioengineered Materials to Modulate the Cariogenic Potential of Dental Biofilm

LLU – GRASP internal grant and International Association for Dental Research


1/1/2018 – 12/31/2020

A community science approach to research on water and air quality environmental health impacts around the Salton Sea.*

The California Endowment


12/01/2017 – 11/14/2020

An HIA to inform decisions about wastewater infrastructure in Fresno and Riverside Counties, California

The PEW charitable Trust


01/01/2018 – 04/01/2019

Eastern Coachella Valley Environmental Health Study

The California Institute for Rural Studies pass-through from the California Endowment.


03/20/2013 – 07/31/2016


Eastern Coachella Crowd Sourcing: Empowering Youth to Advocate for Improved Wastewater Management*

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California


05/05/2012- 06/30/2013

Characterization of microbial contamination in water vending machines of Eastern Coachella Valley

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California


05/01/2016 – 06/30/2018

A comparative microbial composition assessment of recycled water originating from storm-water and wastewater

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California


05/01/2016 – 06/30/2018

Disadvantaged Community (DAC) Outreach Demonstration Project*   

RMC Water and Environment pass-through from the California State Department of Water Resources


04/22/2013 – 01/17/2014

White coats treated with silver: A study in the clinical setting*

Contract from PurThread



Reusable grocery bags: a household use study*

Contract from PurThread and Biomaster companies


02/12/2015 – 02/11/2016

Determining the Microbial Characteristics of Dry Weather Urban Runoff Coming in and out of the Santa Monica Urban Runoff Recycling Facility (SMURRF)

Environmental Protection Agency


01/17/2014 -01/16/2015

Microbial evaluation of the Arts for Behavior Change intervention*

Contract from University of Arizona pass through from Clorox


08/01/2011 – 03/01/2013

Consultant: A field and laboratory evaluation of contamination in the Laotian Tobacco Waterpipe

NIH: Fogarty International Center: 5R03TW007345-03


06/01/2011 – 12/01/2011


March 15, 2019. Expert Witness testimony in court for Stark, Friedman & Chapman, LLP. on the topic of "Home Hygiene and Moisture".

2017. Deposition given as expert Witness for Stark, Friedman & Chapman, LLP. on the topic of "Home Hygiene and Moisture".

April 2012: Consulted with a lawfirm as an expert witness on grocery cart sanitation and current grocery industry practices. This consultancy conducted field research into large multi-ethnic supermarkets of Orange County, CA.  The research addressed questions on grocery cart disinfection, grocery cart sanitation and the possibility of a customer-acquired streptococcus from a contaminated grocery cart.


2015 – Current: Consultant on home hygiene, habitability, mold and moisture with legal organizations of Southern California.

July 2018. Consulted with the PurThread company on microbial reductions on silver infused fabric washed in a cold water washing machine.

June 2012: Consulted with the Unilever™ Indonesia country office and international office on the disinfection efficiency of a new laundry disinfection product. The Oral presentation and press release took place in Jakarta, Indonesia in June 2012.

September 2012 – January 2014: Consulted with the Environmental Safety Alliance on reusable grocery bag microbial contamination. The consultations required expert testimony before the state senate committee on environmental safety and toxic materials, preparation of policy briefs and visiting key state senators and assembly member offices during bill voting sessions. This consultancy involved 3 LLU ENVH MPH students on a formal research project and included 3 consultations during the period between 2012 and 2014.

October 2011 – April 2012: Consulted with a lawfirm as an expert witness on grocery cart sanitation and current grocery industry practices. This consultancy utilized 3 LLU ENVH MPH students to conduct field research into large multi-ethnic supermarkets of Orange County, CA.  The research addressed questions on grocery cart disinfection, grocery cart sanitation and the possibility of a customer-acquired streptococcus from a contaminated grocery cart.

July 2012. Served as an expert international consultant to the Ana Stahl clinic in Iquitos, Peru. The consultant team included myself and four MPH GLBH students who visited the Iquitos clinic to conduct a water safety plan for the hospital. The hospital needed a new onsite water well system because the city water system could not meet their demand. Our team evaluated the problem and recommended next steps for external funding agencies.

June 2001 - World Vision Cambodia; Qualitative Research Methods Consultant. Organized and trained World Vision NGO staff in qualitative research methods appropriate for a maternal and child health program.
Sep.1999 – Aug. 2000 - ADRA Cambodia; Health Center Reform Project Consultant. International adviser of health center reform initiative in Pursat and Kompong Thom provinces of Cambodia.

December 2004 - WHO Tobacco Free Initiative and National Institute of Statistics, Cambodia; Tobacco Control Epidemiology Consultant. Provided training on data analysis and report writing with the Cambodian National Institute of Statistics 2004 national tobacco control survey.

June 2004 – July 2005 - ADRA Cambodia; Agriculture Project Research Consultant. Designed, organized, and analyzed survey questionnaires and research representing four years of ADRA agricultural projects in Siem Reap province, Cambodia. The consultancy coordinated participatory workshops, data analysis training, and presentations on lessons learned from the data analysis.

December 2005 - ADRA Cambodia; Monitoring and Evaluation Seminar Consultant. Prepared and presented an intensive seminar on research design, monitoring, and evaluation for Khmer staff managers. The seminar was hosted by ADRA Cambodia and included members of other international NGOs and national organizations such as World Vision and the Cambodian MOH.

October – December 2005 - World Vision Cambodia; Environmental Impact Assessment Consultant. Developed and conducted an environmental impact assessment for the AusAID funded Integrated Mine Action Program with World Vision, CARE, and AUSTCARE NGOs. The resulting environmental management plan was presented to international NGOs, national de-mining agencies, the Australian embassy and all other stakeholders involved in the de-mining and resettlement processes.

February 2005 - Maihidol University, Thailand and Tulane University; Post-Tsunami Relief Consultant. Organized a community needs assessment in select tsunami-affected areas of Pang-nga province.  Conducted rapid advisory sessions on sanitary survey methods for the Thai Pollution Control Department. Assisted local government members on water/environmental sampling activities. 



  • Interviewed for a radio broadcast. Engineers of the new millennium: the global water challenge. “Tucson Spins Sewage into Gold.” Aired on 30 different National Public Radio carriers during the months of September and October of 2009. Interviewed by Lisa Raffensperger. Produced by the National Science Foundation and the IEEE.

  • Featured in three videos of the University of Arizona’s water sustainability program titled: “Water Taste and Odor”, “HACH Integrated Sensors”, and “S::CAN Light Based Water Sensing”. The videos are located at

  • “Proposal for Whitewater River Trail System Draws Mixed Response.” The Desert Sun, n.d.
  • The Infection Risks associated with Clothing and Household Linens. R. Sinclair, S. Bloomfield. Oral presentation at a press release and global presentation of a new product for Unilever international in Jakarta, Indonesia. June 2012.

Hosted summer students in the Environmental Microbiology Laboratory

2015-2023: LLU’s School of Medicine:  Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). A two-month program. 

2015, 2017, 2020-2023: Center for Health Disparities and Molecular Medicine Fellowships for High School Students and Undergraduate Students. A two-month program. 

Courses to date (LLUSPH)
EPDM 618 Field Surveillance in Epidemiology
HMED 625 Civic Engagement and Community Advocacy: Environmental Justice: 3 units
EPI 544 Epidemiology of Infectious Disease: 3 units
OMED 699 Occupational Health Research topics for current Occupational Health residents: 4 units
OMED 525 Clinical Toxicology and Occupational Health Disorders: 3 units
OMED 524 Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Health Risk Assessment: 3 units
ENVH 515 Food Quality Assurance: 2 units
ENVH 569 Environmental Sampling: 4 units
ENVH 509 Environmental Health (online): 3 units
ENVH 694 Directed Study Research: 2 units
ENVH 568 Water Quality Assurance: 2 units
PCOR 501-3 Public Health Core. Policy, Environmental Health, Community Resilience, Leadership: 5 units per quarter 2015 Courses (LLUSPH)
PHCJ Field Practicum Courses (3 students)
ENVH 414 Fundamental of Environmental Health (online): 3 units
GLBH 545 Integrated Community Development in Peru (onsite): 5 units for four different groups. 

Guest Lectures at LLU
2010-2014 GLBH 569 Global Health: Lecture series on survey research methods: 1 unit
2018-present GLBH 550 Women in Development: “Children are not little adults: environmental health factors:”
2017-present GLBH 565 Interventions: “Water Quality”
06/2020 GEOL 607 Seminar: “Public and Media perceptions of research: lessons learned from reusable grocery bags.” 
2011 GLBH 565 International Health: Lecture series on Environmental Impact Assessment.
2010 GLBH 564 Community Health and Development: Lecture series on water, sanitation and disaster.

Guest Lectures at the University of Arizona:
2009 SWES 530 Environmental Monitoring & Remediation: Lecture series on water quality indicators and Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment.
2008 SWES 418 Human Health Risk Assessment: Lecture series on bioterrorism and microbial risk assessment, real-time water quality sensors and point-of-use water disinfection.

Tulane University  2006 ENHS Water Chemistry Laboratory
