
Showing posts from November, 2014

Prezi on Community Mapping

Here is a link to a prezi that we gave on Community Mapping.


A UN special envoy visited the United States in February 2011. Catarina de Albequerque made several recommendations about access to water and sanitation as a human right. The UN report has many striking paragraphs and sections; typical phrases and descriptions for the developing world, not so typical for our California home. As usual, the human right to water was the most popular theme. It went to Sacramento and in  2012 was passed as  Assembly Bill 685 guaranteeing the human right to water. That was a successful bill,inspired by Dr. Albequerque's visit and a political movement of water access folks. Despite all the energy around drinking water, there wasn't much ground gained for the  human right to sanitation. There are still many California residents who do NOT have access to functioning sanitation. The UN report recommends placing the human rights to water and sanitation equally at the center of policy formulation. As topics go, water is always more popular than san